Global ecology - we need to care.

2 min readOct 9, 2020
huge wildfires in California
via NPR

Global warming is an issue that plagues the world we live in. The most horrifying part? No one seems to care. Global warming is the increase of Earth’s surface temperature at a much faster rate than usual. The cause for this rapid increase is greenhouse gasses, fossil fuels, the cutting and burning of forests, and transportation. The human race is running out of time to reverse the effects we have had on our planet. Due to a lack of action from older generations, the responsibility to act fast lands on our shoulders.

One possible solution to create a healthier environment and slow the effects of ecological disaster is by switching to alternative modes of transportation. To put it simply, the less cars we have on the road the fewer fuel emissions are released into the atmosphere. Ways we can cut down on car transportation is by walking, riding a bike, utilizing public transit, and electing to use trains and boats rather than air travel when possible. Switching to renewable energy is another excellent and effective way to cut down on waste. Opting to utilize solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy are excellent ways to get energy more effectively without the disastrous effects of burning coal and oil.

The recent epidemic of fires across the west coast is a calamitous event that will further damage our earth. Forests are impactful producers of oxygen and are integral in maintaining our air quality by removing carbon dioxide from the air, thus limiting a greenhouse effect.

I know that all of these things seem radical and difficult, however we must take action now. Even those of us who are too young to vote need the courage to make our voice heard. If we want to halt and reverse the ecological destruction of our planet, we need to demand action from the officials in power, letting them know it is hugely up to them to save us. If we each take it among ourselves to be the change we want to see in the world, we can stop climate change one person at a time.

Many of us are afraid. We are terrified because we feel that this amount of change is impossible. We feel that no one truly comprehends the immensity of the damage being done. Still, I believe this fear is warranted. It is only a matter of time before our desecration of this planet becomes irreversible. However, we must use his fear. We must stand up for what we believe in. We are the future, and I know our fear can be turned into action. By doing what we know is best, I have the power to make my voice heard. We all have the power to change the world.

submitted by starla probst




this initiative has been disbanded in pursuit of continuing our efforts in more impactful ways. we thank you for all the support <3 |